Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli and Yuvraj Singh have posted on Twitter, praying for the lives lost in the recent fire which took place in Kollam, Kerala. All the three players posted on the social media, offering solidarity to the victims who lost their lives in the unfortunate event. Tendulkar is closely associated with Kerala, being the owner of Kerala Blasters in the Indian Super League. The unfortunate incident has resulted in death of 107 people. The tragedy took place around 3:30 am, where the people were watching fireworks spectacle. One such exploding firecracker went into a building, which consisted of similar firecrackers, resulting in the massive fire.
Thousands were watching the fireworks spectacle, which began overnight, at that hour. The temple, dedicated to Puttingal Devi, normally opens at 5 a.m. Lallu S. Pillai, a journalist who was on the terrace of a nearby house, told IANS that it took only a few minutes for the disaster to unfold.
“Only half hour was left for the fireworks display to get over when a spark from an exploding cracker landed on a concrete building where high potency crackers had been stored,” Pillai said.
“Within minutes, the building came crashing down “and we felt the place shake. After that it was absolute chaos. Pieces of concrete were scattered all over the plac
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